The Eightfold Path
Learn about the 8 stages of yoga that Yogi’s have been practicing for thousands of years to enhance your practice.
This article follows “The Eight limbs - Let’s Get Back to Yoga” expanding on the first three limbs of yoga, Yama, Niyama & Asana. These outward quests that help establish outward harmony and prepares one for the Inner Quests.
This article follows in “The Eight Limbs - The Outward Stages” of the eightfold path and expands on Pranayama & Pratyahara - inward quests to help master and still the the mind.
This article expands on the last three stages of the Eight limbs, dharana, dhyana & samadhi. These stages guide us to the soul and a true state of bliss. The previous stages, the outward and inner quests, prepare us for deeper meditation needed.
What even is being “good” at yoga?