Develop a customized 30 Day Yoga Practice with Me (Virtual)


Feeling uninspired, burnout or stuck? A consistent yoga practice (also known as a Sadhana practice) can have a tremedious impact on the mind, body & soul. Working with me virtually, I will help you create a personalized yoga practice based on your needs, lifestyle and experience. After creating your routine, we will have a session dedicated to learn the routine and follow-up sessions to stay accountable. Please email me at if you have any questions.

Services will include:

  • 1 free consultation session

  • 1 initial session to learn fully customized routine

  • 2 additional weekly sessions to practice routine together & stay accountable

  • A fully customized routine based on your interests, lifestyle, experience & needs.

  • Exploration into techniques from Eight Limb path to broaden your yoga practice

  • Follow-up suggestions for practice after our sessions

Book your free consultation call by emailing me at
